Just like me, you must have some great stories to share about your ex and I can’t wait to read them! Stories will be published either through the blog, our Facebook or Instagram and it’s your choice if you would like to be acknowledged or if you want to remain anonymous. Now let’s have some FUN!!
Story submission guidelines
Tell your story in a way that will make the reader laugh or say wow!
Tell a funny story about something that has happened to you or someone you know.
Stay positive! These stories are for your healing and also for the healing and laughter of others.
Be on point- keep your stories short and get to the punchline quickly.
By submitting your story, you are authorizing Ex-Husbandisms to use that content on any online forum (Facebook, Instagram, our Blog, etc.) and also in the book.
It’s up to you if you would like acknowledged personally or we can keep it our little secret! Just let us know up front.
The only way to submit your stories to Ex-Husbandisms is via the form below. A response may take several days, but we will get back to you!